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VEP en alineje


VEP.si is a secure mailbox, easy to use, and accessible from any device. It enables safe and legally valid delivery and acceptance of electronic messages, with proof of receipt and delivery.

In addition to the electronic delivery service, the VEP.si secure electronic mailbox also allows you to electronically sign attachments, sign documents by all parties, conclude contracts and verify electronic signatures and stamps.

We support all digital certificates from issuers included in the EU trusted list and cloud identities.


To use the service, create a free VEP account. You can then securely send and receive messages. When sending, the software allows signing attachments, encrypting the content with the recipient’s key, and sending to multiple recipients. When sending, you can also choose the option to receive signed attachments from the recipient.

The recipient is notified of each delivery to their usual email, and receipt of registered mail is done with an electronic signature of the delivery receipt, which is returned to the sender.

Users can check the validity of electronic signatures on all sent and received documents.

VEP’s secure electronic delivery, validation reports attached to each document, qualified time-stamping of signatures, and validation of electronic signatures and stamps with a qualified verification service, will ensure that your messages will always be in the right hands.


varnost in zaupanje

Security and trust

We support all digital certificates from issuers included in the EU trusted list and cloud identities.


PDF tools

(PDF merging, PDF/A converter)


Notifications of new messages to multiple email addresses


Option to encrypt messages


Authorization option

VEP.si enables you to authorize and specify trusted persons.

uporabnik ikona

Option to send messages to persons without a secure email box

validacijsko porocilo

Attached validation report


VEP plus

Independent program VEP.SI +

VEP.SI+ is an independent program with which you can receive, store and print a large number of messages at the same time with one click.

You can order the installation of the program through our VEP Forms service at the following link: Activation of VEP.si additional services

1029 service

Integration with document systems

No further development is required

customer service

Free support & registration
for users

  • Support by phone, e-mail mail and the possibility of remote connection
  • Help with registration
  • Help with acquiring a digital identity